The above picture shows light shining on the trees by our driveway this afternoon. Merry Christmas from Nature to all of us.


The past three years have been some of the darkest of my life, or at least since I contemplated suicide at age 15.

On this Christmas Eve I am declaring myself as a seeker of the Light. As we just went through the longest night of the year a few days ago, so I rebuke all spiritual darkness in my life. Soon spring will come and the sun will melt this frozen Narnian hell.

Sometime ago I wrote the following word pictures of someone being up all night and longing for day brake. We have those seasons when it feels like the “setting of the sun” in our life. Pursue the Light!


Our hearts are pulled away with the setting of the sun

As the darkness settles in

The light is forced to leave

Heaviness settles on us

As the dew of darkness laden us down

Our tears mingle with the mist

And together only reflect the darkness of the night

The night grows long and our burden continues on …and on

The night becomes tangible

Darkness is our only companion of the night

The darkness, where once we found rest

Now betrays us like a gargoyle’s kiss

We look to the sky,

“Will the night ever end?”

“Can I ever see again?”

And darkness mocks with a laugh

The weight of the night wears us down

“Will darkness prevail?”

Or “Will the light conquer the night?”

We wonder on and feel the oppression strong

At first we resist the thought of light

We think it only yet another mirage

Ah, we wonder, could it be light?

Then we remember the betrayal of the night

It was darkness that ruled our life

The strength of darkness produced our pain

And now we cling to the dark

A victim of the night

“What will the light be like?”

“Will it dry my tears?”

Or, “Will the light hurt my eyes?”

I look to the east

Is that light or just another trick of the night?

The mocking, the kiss, the laugh

With renewed strength we search the eastern sky

We remember another day

When the sun lighted our way

And with a shyness we desire the light

Somehow we know there has to be a better way

We look again

“Will there be another day?”

“Will the SUN shine MY way?”

Could this be the rising of the Sun?

A bird reply’s with a song

Then I sensed another say,

“unto you that fear my name

shall the Sun of righteousness arise” [Malachi 4:2]

He who said, “I AM the Light”

Has shown His light in MY life

I’m no longer a child of the night

But one who walks by His light

No longer held victim of the night

We are freed

Freed to walk in His light